DIY Astrology. Discover the Main Phases of Your Life

Abstracts From the Book

About Predictive Astrology

Astrology is all about predicting the future, isn’t it? Well, not all contemporary schools of astrology would agree with that. Psychological astrologers, as an example, do not attempt to predict events in the lives of their clients. Instead, they deal with the hidden movements and developments of their souls. Traditionally though, astrology has been seen as predictive, and over the centuries, a substantial number of methods of prediction have been developed.

Some people say: if astrology is predictive, then it is fatalistic. We don’t want to know our future, we are afraid of it. On the other hand, some people might say we have free will, we can shape our future however we want to. Do you believe that meteorology is fatalistic? Would you ignore a weather forecast because you were afraid there might be rain? Or would you rely on your free will and leave your umbrella at home no matter what? If you knew that July would be rainy, would you plan your holidays then? (Maybe meteorology can’t make such a long-range weather forecast… but astrometeorology can).

The Progressed Full Moon

This is the peak of the lunar month. The Moon is shining in the night sky, and many people find themselves feeling especially emotional, inspired and creative. This is also the turning point of the lunar month. Before the Full Moon, the Moon was waxing, it was growing and increasing in light. Its energy was beneficial for things that are in active development, that grow and expand. After the Full Moon, however, the Moon becomes waning, it decreases in light, and the nature of its energy changes very significantly. It becomes more appropriate for the completion of things, for consolidation, for strengthening the roots.

In the progressed lunar cycle, the Full Moon typically marks a major turning point in one’s life. It is the time of realization, and it is somewhat similar to a mountain pass. To begin with, you go up the hill. At the top of the mountain, you realize something about your life, and then you go down the hill, enriched with the newly found understanding. Life after the progressed Full Moon is often perceived as easier, or more rewarding, than before it.

In my life, the progressed Full Moon at the age of 29 worked out very interestingly. By that time in my life, I had already served in the Soviet Army for twelve years. I was a captain, and I was working on my PhD thesis in a military research center near Moscow. There was, however, another side of me: since my childhood, I had been interested in things like astrology, numerology and psychic phenomena. My parents’ family was quite unusual at that time, and various “strange people” from all over Russia were often our guests. They brought with them mind-blowing texts that were officially prohibited, but people kept copying them and passing around. My duty was to make a copy of those texts by typing on a simple mechanical typewriter — pages and pages of text, sometime whole books. Those were my first lessons of astrology, yoga, esoteric philosophy, and many other things. I was also very interested in chemistry at school, and very good at it. Everyone expected that after school I would go to the chemistry department of the Moscow University, the most prestigious university in the USSR, especially because not long before finishing school, I won the first prize in a competition of chemistry papers organized by that university.

So when I decided to go to a military college and not to the university, it was a shock for everyone. But hey, I was 17, and I am an Aries. We all lived in a military garrison (in a place named Star City — the location of the Soviet cosmonauts team; my father was in that team for decades, but he never made his space flight), and almost all the boys from my class went to military colleges, simply because their fathers were military officers. So I went to a military college too, it looked like a really cool decision then. The problem was: if you joined the Soviet Army as an officer, as I did, you had to serve for 25 years, no matter what. There was no exit unless you became ill or mad or something like that. So there I was, with my chemistry and esoteric interests. They had to go on the backburner of my life, so to say. Until the age of 29, that is.

In the year I became 29, many interesting things were happening in the USSR, the country that was destined to disappear in the next few years. First, astrological and other esoteric literature was becoming, more or less, accessible. It was still only available as illegal copies, and crazily expensive, but at least you could go and buy it, if you knew where. There were public lectures on astrology — something that was totally unimaginable in Soviet times. A cycle of lectures in Moscow by Jacob Schwartz in April 1990 loaded me very nicely with up-to-date Western astrological knowledge in just one week or so. The second very important change was that the Soviet bureaucratic system became much weaker, including the military part of it. It was still extremely difficult to leave the Army, but it wasn’t unthinkable anymore. I left the Army to become a full-time student (and a little bit later, a teacher) of astrology. The coin of my life had flipped. My hidden but true nature had surfaced. That was my first progressed Full Moon, my first mountain pass.

I have noticed that the progressed Full Moon hugely increases communication with other people. You shouldn’t expect a quiet, isolated existence during a year or two around this progressed phase. One example is my wife who at the age of 17 went to study at a college in a different city. Before that, she lived with her parents, and now she found herself in a totally different and new environment. That was quite a change!

In Steve Jobs’ life, the progressed Full Moon came in the year 1997, when he returned to Apple after years in exile, to lead the company to its incredible achievements in the coming years. Jobs’ return was announced on December 20, 1996; on September 16, 1997 he became an interim CEO (aka iCEO), while he was officially in control of the company since July 1997. Walter Isaacson spent three chapters of his book describing this dramatic transition.

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